Origin Determination for Free Trade Agreements such as USMCA
Is your company maximizing its FTA potential? Are you declaring the correct origin on your goods in order to qualify for FTAs and avoid duties?
Interpretation of the Rules of Origin for any Free Trade Agreement can be a difficult task. This is one area of Customs compliance that is often completed in error or without the proper supporting documentation. Copper Hill provides a system that ensures an accurate product origin, which is essential to conforming to any Free Trade Agreement.
Our experienced staff is trained to understand and determine the qualification of goods for all existing Free Trade Agreements. We gather essential information about your Bills of Material, costs and your supply base and build a customized program based on your business needs.
Copper Hill will work with your company to qualify your goods for the various Free Trade Agreements, AALA, CAFÉ, etc. We also may be able to identify additional FTAs that your company may not be taking advantage of currently.