
Understanding the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): A Comprehensive Overview

Understanding the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): A Comprehensive Overview

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) stands as a pivotal instrument crafted by the European Union (EU) to tackle the risk of carbon leakage. This mechanism addresses the scenario where stringent climate policies in one region lead businesses to relocate operations to areas with less stringent regulations, consequently resulting in no net reduction in global CO2 emissions. At its core, the CBAM seeks to level the playing field for both EU and non-EU producers, ensuring that imported goods’ prices accurately reflect their carbon content.

Key Products Covered in the Initial Phase: During its initial phase, the CBAM focuses on specific products:

  • Cement
  • Iron & Steel
  • Aluminium
  • Fertilisers
  • Electricity
  • Hydrogen

However, the product scope is subject to review at the end of the transitional period. This assessment aims to explore the feasibility of incorporating additional goods already covered by the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and susceptible to carbon leakage. Products like certain downstream items and those identified as suitable candidates during negotiations, such as chemicals and polymers, will be considered. A detailed report will outline a timeline for their potential inclusion by 2030.

Timeline of CBAM Implementation: The CBAM commenced its transitional period on October 1, 2023, with the following timeline in place:

  • January 31, 2024: Deadline for submission of the first report
  • January 1, 2026: Launch of the Permanent system

Obligations for Importers and Producers: Importers and producers face specific obligations under the CBAM:

  • Reporting: Importers must report the emissions associated with imported goods during the transitional phase without immediate payment.
  • Purchase of CBAM Certificates: From 2026 onwards, importers must procure CBAM certificates corresponding to the carbon cost of their imported goods.
  • Verification: Importers must acquire verified data regarding the carbon content of their imported products, necessitating transparency and cooperation from non-EU producers.
  • Non- EU Producers: Must provide the importer with information on the embedded emissions resulting from the production of the product, providing at the same time very detailed information e.g. the production method, the amount of energy used for production, and many other parameters affecting the calculation of the embedded emissions.
  • Adjustments for Non-EU Carbon Pricing: The CBAM considers carbon pricing mechanisms in the country of origin to avoid double-charging for carbon when goods enter the EU, requiring proper documentation and verification.

CBAM Reporting Data Requirements: Detailed reporting requirements demand quarterly submissions in the CBAM Transitional Registry (Trade Portal). Reports must include various specifics, such as quantity of imports per customs procedure, Combined Nomenclature (CN) codes, country of origin, production methods, emissions data, and carbon pricing information.

Penalties for Non-Compliance: Non-compliance with reporting obligations will result in penalties ranging between EUR 10 and EUR 50 per tonne of unreported embedded emissions. These penalties will escalate in line with the European index of consumer prices for sustained non-compliance or repeated incomplete or incorrect reports.

Let’s take an example: Aluminium tube or pipe fittings (for example: couplings, elbows, sleeves) classified under 7609 00 00. If the data is not reported correctly in the CBAM report or is not reported at all – the penalty may range from 120.40 EUR to 602.00 EUR per 1 tonne of the imported product.

Understanding the nuances of CBAM, including its requirements, timeline, and penalties, is crucial for stakeholders navigating this transformative mechanism within the EU’s climate policy framework. Compliance ensures a level playing field while addressing global emissions concerns.